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Welcome to Collecting Madness - Trading Cards and Collectibles
Wage War Against The Enemies Of Collectibles

We all collect different things, but as collectors, we all have the same dillema, how to keep our collection in good condition. There are many things that can ruin our collectibles and we need to take precautions if we want them to stand the test of time.

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Old Cereal Boxes Make a ‘Grrreat' Collectible

Remember when you were a kid eating a bowl of your favorite sugar coated cereal? Did you ever think that the box it came in might be worth something? Most likely you ate the cereal, collected the prize inside, and threw the box away. You may have thrown away a lot of money and not even realized it at the time but the truth is that many old and even not so old cereal boxes are worth quite a bit of money to collectors.

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Hall of Fame Report
The four newest members of the Baseball Hall of Fame will be inducted on Sunday, August, 5 2001. The ceremony will be at 1:30 pm at the Clark Sports Center. This years indectees will include: Dave Winfield, Kirby Puckett, Hilton Smith and Bill Mazeroski. For more complete information, go to the Baseball HOF web site.

You can contact the hall of fame at the address below or call their toll free number, (888) 425-5633.
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum
25 Main Street
P.O. Box 590
Cooperstown, NY 13326

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